Welcome to funfile.org, where files are fun!

Welcome to FunFile!

Our goal is not to become another Bytemonsoon or Suprnova (not dizzying either of them though). The goal is to provide the absolutely latest stuff. Therefore, only specially authorised users have permission to upload torrents. If you have access to 0-day stuff do not hesitate to contact us!

This is a private tracker, and you have to register before you can get full access to the site. Before you do anything here at FunFile we suggest you read the rules! There are only a few rules to abide by, but we do enforce them!

Before you go any further you should read the FunFile.org user agreement.


RULES !!! - READ before downloading anything - Top

You must seed back each file you download to a 1.0 ratio or for 48 hours.

You must maintain a good overall ratio. Required ratios are in the Stats section below. You must follow these rules to avoid being warned, disabled or banned.
It does not matter how much of a file you have downloaded. Above is valid even if you downloaded a part of a torrent; you still have to seed the part you leeched. You may have download, say 10%, then decided you did not want the torrent; in this case, you will be required to seed that 10% back for 48 hours or to 1:1 ratio. (1:1 does not mean 100% of the available torrent, it means 100% of the downloaded torrent).

You must maintain a good overall ratio

Required ratios are in the Stats section below. You must follow these rules to avoid being warned, disabled or banned.

Site Rules

You can find all Site rules HERE

No buying or selling invites for money (no matter how tempting)

Don't DO IT ! you will be banned.

Never attempt to open dupe accounts

You will get all your accounts disabled for trying. Never let another funfile user use your home ip, we will see it as a dupe account also.

If you use a seedbox (dedicated server) or other stellar connection let Staff know

If you have a Fios/Fiber connection, faster than average cable/wireless, seedbox or dedicated server (or other higher than normal connection) that is hosted in a data center (not in your basement) for torrenting, please let Staff know the details (IP, speed, provider) using the Staffbox (click Staff on right). If you do not advise Staff, the system may automatically ban your account. They will need to know the hosting company of the box, the ip being used and the speed!

Stats - Top

What are FreeLeech Torrents?

FreeLeech torrents are torrents where your download amount does not count towards your site totals. However your upload does. So if You have a site ratio of 1 (20GB down and 20GB up) and you download and seed a 20GB FreeLeech torrent to a 1:1 ratio your new site ratio would be 2 (20GB down and 40GB up). You are still required to seed FreeLeech torrents to a 1:1 ratio or for 48 hours. SEEDING RULES STILL APPLY TO FREELEECH TORRENTS.

You can find FreeLeech torrents by using This Link. You can also tell if a torrent is FreeLeech because in the upper right corner on the torrent details page of all FreeLeech torrents are the words "This is a free download!" All torrents over 20GB are FreeLeech, 1080p movies and select packs. Staff does hand pick torrents of smaller size to be freeleech if deemed appropriate. Do not assume a torrent is free, check the torrent first as it will show as free on both the browse page when you expand the details (0X) for download and will show as indicated above "This is a free download" on the details page. We will not modify users download amount for erroneously downloading a non FreeLeech torrent.

Warning system and Ratio requirements

Automatic Warning System
When you download a full torrent, lets say 100mb, you have DOWNLOADED (leeched) 100mb.
If other people were also downloading (leeching), you may have UPLOADED (seeded) to those other people, lets say 50mb. Your ratio for that specific torrent is then .5 (Seeded 50mb of the 100mb that was downloaded). If nobody else is downloading the 100mb file you downloaded, your ratio will be 0.

So how do you improve your ratio?
Simply put, when your download completes, just leave your client running! Being AVAILABLE for seeding is great, but being available and actual SEEDING are different. You will only gain ratio when others LEECH from you. But for every hour that you are available to seed, you could be awarded with up to .5 credits. If you save up enough of them, you can trade them in for the goodies listed on this page.
When another member wants the file that you have, your client will do all the work if you leave it on.
Do not delete or move the files that came with the torrent you downloaded, you can copy the files, or extract them anywhere that you want.

Automatic Warning System For Going Below The System Requirement
With the new system, there are new ratio requirements which are as follows.
Ratio Download
0.15 0-25GB
0.30 25-50GB
0.45 50-100GB
0.60 100-250GB
0.75 250+ GB
If you let your account fall below X at any point, you will be notified that you have fallen below the required amount deemed acceptable here at Funfile. In relation to this notification you will also receive A THREE WEEK WARNING. When you do not fix your ratio in these three weeks to an acceptable level your account will be disabled.

What is a "Hit & Run" WARNING?

Hit and Run means: downloading a torrent and then ceasing to seed back the amount of data you downloaded, at FunFile this means seeding back 1:1 or seeding for 48 hours total if no leechers on site..

0 hit and runs are allowed on funfile

To view your torrent history click your site nick at the top of any page then click torrent history at the bottom. Any torrent that shows pink is a hit and run and you need to fix it. (note if the torrent has a pink background but no stats listed it is not classified as a hnr.)

When you have a h&r and you have no idea how to solve the problem we have a nice guide to help you out you will find it in the forum

May I use any bittorrent client?

No. Below is a list of allowed bittorrent clients:




Client Allowed Versions
Deluge 1.3.15, 2.0.x and 2.1.x
Transmission 2.92, 2.93, 2.94, 3.0.x and 4.0.x
rTorrent 0.x
uTorrent 3.5.4
uTorrent Mac 1.8.x
qBittorrent 4.6.x, 5.0.X

We recommend the latest approved version qBittorrent for all users. Also, do not message us about new versions, we don't jump on every darn release - Automatically jumping on new versions is inept. Visit https://www.funfile.org/client to download a copy of approved clients

Shoutbox - Top

What is the shoutbox for?

The shoutbox is simply for shouting! Just say hello to your friends, ask them how their day was, and leave it at that. Just short conversations are what we are looking for, so try to keep the commotion to a minimum! If you wanna have a real nice chat with someone, head over to our IRC Chat and talk all you like!

What can't be said in the shoutbox?

Well, this is where most of the disputes come from in terms of shoutbox usage. Basically, the answer to this would be: PG13. Just try to keep it clean and comfortable for everyone. If you want to take it to.. say.. R or NC17, there is a place on the Forums for that specific thing. We also forbid talking about other trackers, now this rule is site-wide so of course it is still in effect in the shoutbox. And we also don't approve of begging for credits, come onnnn earn them yourself! Leave negative attitudes to the appropriate forum topics, this is suppose to be a fun place. Do not post external links, as this is a security risk for you and funfile.

Why can't I ask for help in the Shoutbox?

Why? Oh come on! We have a couple extra places for you to ask questions if you need some help, including the Staffbox and even our IRC #help Channel!

Site information - Top

What is a snatched torrent?

A snatched torrent is a fully downloaded and completed torrent on a users end. So if you were to download 100% of a 100mb torrent, you would be considered a "snatcher" of that torrent.

Why use FunFile?

FunFile is a tight community of users who are here on the basis that share back the same quota of data they originally take. All users are expected to seed to a 1:1 ratio or are quickly removed from the site, due to this philosophy our torrents have high seed to leech ratios and great speeds are expected.

Why can't I talk about other trackers?

Why would we want you talking about other trackers here? It's like talking about Chevrolet at a Ford factory! Who would want that?! Just don't do it, or you will be punished..somehow!

User information - Top

Can you rename my account?

In most cases we will not rename your account, but you can speak with Staff and if they think you have an applicable reason, we will rename your account.

Can you delete my (confirmed) account?

Unless you have a VERY GOOD reason, we will not delete your account. You can leave your account inactive and after a month goes by your account will automatically be deleted by our system. We can however disable your account so you cannot log in to it or use any features of it, if you would like that just request it in the StaffBox.

Help! I cannot login!? (a.k.a. Login of Death)

This problem sometimes occurs with MSIE. Close all Internet Explorer windows and open Internet Options in the control panel. Click the Delete Cookies button. You should now be able to login.

Why is my port number reported as "---"? (And why should I care?)

The tracker has determined that you are firewalled or NATed and cannot accept incoming connections.

This means that other peers in the swarm will be unable to connect to you, only you to them. Even worse, if two peers are both in this state they will not be able to connect at all. This has obviously a detrimental effect on the overall speed.

The way to solve the problem involves opening the ports used for incoming connections (the same range you defined in your client) on the firewall and/or configuring your NAT server to use a basic form of NAT for that range instead of NAPT (the actual process differs widely between different router models. Check your router documentation and/or support forum. You will also find lots of information on the subject at PortForward).

What are the different user classes?

You can find the various classes and their minumen requirements HERE

Hey! I've seen Power Users with less than 50GB uploaded!

The users probably have contributed something to the site worthy of the promotion.

How do I add an avatar to my profile?

First, find an image that you like, and that is within the rules. Then you will have to find a place to host it, such as our own BitBucket. (Other popular choices are Imagepile, or ImageShack). All that is left to do is copy the URL you were given when uploading it to the avatar field in your profile.

Please do not make a post just to test your avatar. If everything is allright you\'ll see it in your details page.

What is PARKING your account? (inactive accounts)

You can park your account to prevent it from being deleted because of inactivity if you go away on for example a vacation. When the account has been parked limits are put on the account, for example you cannot use the tracker and browse some of the pages.
Normal User accounts that are inactive for more than 42 days (ie haven't logged into the site) and NOT PARKED are automatically AND irretrievably deleted. Those with Donor VIP status are immune to the 42 day purging up to 1 year.
You can enable/disable this feature by viewing going to your profile settings page.

Downloading - Top

What about DHT? Does it matter if it's on or off?

Yes it does matter. It has to be turned OFF. This is important for your download / upload statistics.

How do I use RSS with my client?

Read this link

Why can't I see XXX torrents?

Set Allow 18+ content on your profile page and must have a user class of Delusional, or greater.

Why do i get error "Failure: Not Authroized. You are downloading the maximum number of allowed torrents- 3 Read the FAQ!!!!" ?

We have a slots system, and that number is shown at the top right hand side, saying how many slots you have available.

Why do I get a "rejected by tracker - Port xxxx is blacklisted" error?

Your client is reporting to the tracker that it uses one of the default bittorrent ports (6881-6889) or any other common p2p port for incoming connections.

FunFile does not allow clients to use ports commonly associated with p2p protocols. The reason for this is that it is a common practice for ISPs to throttle those ports (that is, limit the bandwidth, hence the speed).

The blocked ports list include, but is not neccessarily limited to, the following:

Direct Connect
411 - 413
6346 - 6347
6881 - 6889

In order to use use our tracker you must configure your client to use any port range that does not contain those ports (a range within the region 49152 through 65535 is preferable, cf. IANA). Notice that some clients, like Azureus or higher, use a single port for all torrents, while most others use one port per open torrent. The size of the range you choose should take this into account (typically less than 10 ports wide. There is no benefit whatsoever in choosing a wide range, and there are possible security implications).

These ports are used for connections between peers, not client to tracker. Therefore this change will not interfere with your ability to use other trackers (in fact it should increase your speed with torrents from any tracker, not just ours). Your client will also still be able to connect to peers that are using the standard ports. If your client does not allow custom ports to be used, you will have to switch to one that does.

Do not ask us, or in the forums, which ports you should choose. The more random the choice is the harder it will be for ISPs to catch on to us and start limiting speeds on the ports we use. If we simply define another range ISPs will start throttling that range also.

Finally, remember to forward the chosen ports in your router and/or open them in your firewall, should you have them.

What's this "IOError - [Errno13] Permission denied" error?

If you just want to fix it reboot your computer, it should solve the problem. Otherwise read on.

IOError means Input-Output Error, and that is a file system error, not a tracker one. It shows up when your client is for some reason unable to open the partially downloaded torrent files. The most common cause is two instances of the client to be running simultaneously: the last time the client was closed it somehow didn't really close but kept running in the background, and is therefore still locking the files, making it impossible for the new instance to open them.

A more uncommon occurrence is a corrupted FAT. A crash may result in corruption that makes the partially downloaded files unreadable, and the error ensues. Running scandisk should solve the problem. (Note that this may happen only if you're running Windows 9x - which only support FAT - or NT/2000/XP with FAT formatted hard drives. NTFS is much more robust and should never permit this problem.)

Uploading - Top

Why can't I upload torrents?

Only specially authorized users (Uploaders) have permission to upload torrents.

What criteria must I meet before I can join the Uploader team?

•Been with the site for at least 4 weeks.
•Provide releases which are virus and spyware free.
•Have access to a steady supply of files to upload.
•Have fast access for initial seeding 1MB/s (8,000 kbps)
•Be available for uploading at a daily/weekly basis
•Seed for at least 72 hours.
•Be upping at least 4 files as week.

NOTE: Have enough speed to seed what you download at a steady rate with 10+ leechers on the torrent. If your speedtest result is poor, but are going to be using a seedbox instead, tell us that.

If you think you can match these criteria do not hesitate to fill in a
Upload Application
Remember! apply only if you are serious about becoming a Uploader!

How can I improve my download speed? - Top

Limit your upload speed

The upload speed affects the download speed in essentially two ways:

- Bittorrent peers tend to favour those other peers that upload to them. This means that if A and B are leeching the same torrent and A is sending data to B at high speed then B will try to reciprocate. So due to this effect high upload speeds lead to high download speeds.

- Due to the way TCP works, when A is downloading something from B it has to keep telling B that it received the data sent to him. (These are called acknowledgements - ACKs -, a sort of "got it!" messages). If A fails to do this then B will stop sending data and wait. If A is uploading at full speed there may be no bandwidth left for the ACKs and they will be delayed. So due to this effect excessively high upload speeds lead to low download speeds. The full effect is a combination of the two. The upload should be kept as high as possible while allowing the ACKs to get through without delay. A good thumb rule is keeping the upload at about 80% of the theoretical upload speed. You will have to fine tune yours to find out what works best for you. (Remember that keeping the upload high has the additional benefit of helping with your ratio.)

If you are running more than one instance of a client it is the overall upload speed that you must take into account. Some clients (e.g. Azureus) limit global upload speed, others (e.g. Shad0w's) do it on a per torrent basis. Know your client. The same applies if you are using your connection for anything else (e.g. browsing or ftp), always think of the overall upload speed.

Proxies and VPNs - Top

Are the use of proxy or VPN services allowed?

It is our policy not to allow accounts to be used behind a proxy or VPN. Doing so is an account ban venture. And yes, TOR is a under this category.

The only exception to this, is if you can demonstrate that you run or control the VPN/proxy server you wish to use.

Why can't I connect? Is the site blocking me? - Top

Maybe my address is blacklisted?

The site blocks addresses listed in the (former) PeerGuardian database, as well as addresses of banned users. This works at Apache/PHP level, it's just a script that blocks logins from those addresses. It should not stop you from reaching the site. In particular it does not block lower level protocols, you should be able to ping/traceroute the server even if your address is blacklisted. If you cannot then the reason for the problem lies elsewhere.

If somehow your address is indeed blocked in the PG database do not contact us about it, it is not our policy to open ad hoc exceptions. You should clear your IP with the database maintainers instead.

Your ISP blocks the site's address

(In first place, it's unlikely your ISP is doing so. DNS name resolution and/or network problems are the usual culprits.)
There's nothing we can do. You should contact your ISP (or get a new one).

Notice that you will always be listed as an "unconnectable" client because the tracker will be unable to check that you're capable of accepting incoming connections.

Alternate port (81)

Some of our torrents use ports other than the usual HTTP port 80. This may cause problems for some users, for instance those behind some firewall or proxy configurations. You can easily solve this by editing the .torrent file yourself with any torrent editor, e.g. MakeTorrent, and replacing the announce url funfile.org:81 with funfile.org:80 or just funfile.org.

Editing the .torrent with Notepad is not recommended. It may look like a text file, but it is in fact a bencoded file. If for some reason you must use a plain text editor, change the announce url to funfile.org:80, not funfile.org. (If you're thinking about changing the number before the announce url instead, you know too much to be reading this.)

IRC - Top

How can I connect to IRC?

You can either use our JAVA chat or connect to IRC using a 3rd party application such as those listed below.
Please look at the side menus where you will find an IRC box which includes the links to our IRC server.

What channels are available on the IRC server?

The following channels exist, however certain channels have requirements you must meet to be able to enter.
• #Funfile.org - FunFile's Main Channel
• #Help - Help Channel
• #Idlerpg - Idlerpg game
• #Pre - Pre Channel
• #FunFile-Unrated - FunFile's 18+ Channel
• #UploadersHeaven - A Channel for our uploaders to talk and coordinate uploads

Rules for our 18+ channel: #FunFile-Unrated

Read this thread

Rules for our main channel : #funfile.org

These are the rules for IRC obey them or you will be kicked or banned.
• No disrespecting the staff.
• The channel is PG-13, so speak accordingly.
• No discrimination (sexism, racism, etc)
• No using caps excessively for this is taken as shouting at people
• !u only to be used in #help and for your account only (no excessive use)
• If a staff member is trying to help a user, don't interrupt unless you have something helpful to add.
• Don't pm staff unless they give you permission.
• No running scripts and other kinds of auto-responders. We have enough of those.
• No coloured text is to be used.
• No pedophilia.
• No spamming.
• No excessive swearing.
• No selling invites for money (no matter how tempting)
• No passing around passwords or CD keys of any sort.
• No invite trading.
• Only site nicks are allowed. Idling on the server not joined to a channel isn't allowed.
• Remember that not all members are adults.
• No mentioning of other trackers/sites in the channel.
• No idling in #help unless helping someone or being helped. Once done getting help, please /part the channel.
• Unless authorized by a site admin duplicate accounts are NOT allowed and will result in the duplicate account being removed or worse you could be banned.

Thank you.

How do I use mIRC & FunFile IRC

Read this thread

How do I use the JAVA Chat?

Read this thread

What is a good 3rd Party IRC program to use?

There are many IRC programs available, it all comes down to personal taste.

mIRC - Windows
Kvirc - Windows, Linux, Mac
Xchat - Linux, Windows
Irssi - Linux, Windows
Colloquy - Mac
Ircle - Mac

How do I get a vhost on the IRC Server?

Join the #help channel and ask for Staff assistance.

How do I register on the IRC Server?

Join the #help channel and type: !ircreg
Also take the time to Read this thread.

May I use Tor or Mibbit or any other IRC proxy service?

Simply put, No.

What if I can't find the answer to my problem here? - Top

You can try these:

Post in the Forums, by all means. You'll find they are usually a friendly and helpful place, provided you follow a few basic guidelines:

• Make sure your problem is not really in this FAQ. There's no point in posting just to be sent back here.
•Before posting read the sticky topics (the ones at the top). Many times new information that still hasn't been incorporated in the FAQ can be found there.
•Help us in helping you. Do not just say "it doesn't work!". Provide details so that we don't have to guess or waste time asking. What client do you use? What's your OS? What's your network setup? What's the exact error message you get, if any? What are the torrents you are having problems with? The more you tell the easiest it will be for us, and the more probable your post will get a reply.

• You can also join our IRC Help channel for assistance. Click HERE
Once you are signed in type: /join #help

•And needless to say: be polite. Demanding help rarely works, asking for it usually does the trick.

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